We also carved some pumpkins with Brother and Sister Green, Ryan, and Shawnee. My favorite thing was to gut the pumpkins, I just think that's a blast! I'm not sure what the finished project of it looks like yet, but we will see them on Tuesday, and I'll let you know how it turned out.
We had to come inside at 7pm. To entertain ourselves, we did what Sister Reynolds' does best, beat everyone at card games! Don't worry, I wasn't toooo competitive or mean. 😉
Fun Restaurant ride. One day, these members wanted to take us out to eat right outside of our zone boundaries. We asked our Zone Leaders if we could have permission to eat there, and they said that we could, but that we should try and get them to give us a ride. They also asked us to try and keep it within an hour, we promised that we would try. The members came over to our house to pick us up, and they showed-up over half an hour later. We got into their car and all squished up in the back seat. Then, we realized that Sister Sansom, who was sitting in the middle, didn't have a seat-belt. We tried to cross the seat-belts over to keep her protected, and that ended not going so well. So on the ride there and the ride back, Sister Jensen and I wore seat-belts and then linked arms with Sister Sansom. It was raining a lot, and our really short member didn't seem like a super safe driver. It's awesome how you can get so close to your missionary companions and do silly and goofy, but not let anyone else in the room notice that you're being odd. With the drive, and the rain, and them being late, and the eating, we had almost a 2.5 hour dinner, it was terrible, but enjoyable!
This week we finally got Bonnie back!! Our wonderful white car gave the wall a little high-five when one of my past companions was driving it, so we had to let it go for a while. We were given a new friend while Bonnie was healing, her name is La/a (said like La-Dash-a). She was great, but I really missed Bonnie. Our Zone Leaders held her hostage for a few days, and then she came back to us!
When we went on exchanges, we rode in a 2016 Ford Fusion. A long long time ago, in August 2017, I drove my first car on the mission for about 4 months, her name was Phoebe. I was told by some people that Phoebe had a lot of miles on her, so they gave her away. When we were on exchanges, I checked the mileage log on the car we were in, and sure enough, my name was on 4 of those sheets, and I was able to reconnect with Phoebe.
Exchanges was super fun! I was able to go to a different area with a Spanish-speaking Sister!! We taught someone in Spanish, and I read through El Libro de Mormon with them. I'm slowly trying to learn Spanish again. I was actually slightly impressed with myself because I was able to understand just about everything in the lesson. I'm hoping that one day, I will have a Spanish companion, or a companion who needs language study so that I can up my game on my current knowledge of Spanish. It's a process. "By small and simple things, great things shall come to past" "line upon line, precept upon precept"
¤Girl who dressed-up as Arthur~ My whole mission, no one has ever talked about that show. This week, it was brought up quite a few times with different people! Know that I miss and love you mom!!
¤My Psych fans~ There are two wonderful people in really close with who bought pineapple onesies, so funny.
¤OBX Man~ At a time when I really needed a friend, I saw an OBX sticker on the back of someone's car. Thanks for all the fun adventures!
¤Madre~ thanks for hooking me up with the pumpkin seeds recipe. I cooked some and shared the love with others :)
¤Napoleon Dynamite fans~ When my companions and I were at someone's doctor's appointment, we saw their doctor dressed-up as Rex on Halloween.
¤During exchanges, I read the Book of Mormon in Spanish and understood most of the things we were taking about.
¤Parents!~ A Hermana came over to our place, and she was super psyched to have permission to turn back time and play my flute. Thanks for making the day of so many people.
¤Poker Padre~ One of my companions asked me to play/re-teach her how to play poker. I'm more than happy for a Texas Hold'em game any day!!
Sister Reynolds :)
1250 Main Street
Broomfield, CO 80020
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