I finally got to the point where I'm wearing a jacket! I keep calling the weather number and it says that there's a chance of snow, sadly I haven't seen any yet, but I'm going to keep hoping that it will just start falling. I've seen rain, but it's not quite good enough.
One day this week I felt so sick, so I made one of the other sisters drive. While we were stopping-by people, because I'm too stubborn to lay at home and rest, we had to parallel park. Sister Jensen was backing Sister Sansom, and it just wan't going well. I decided to get out of the car and direct Sister Sansom, and she did it on her first try. City Park is a super fun place to teach you many good skills.
As missionaries, we pray on a pretty often basis. With a trio, it was hard keeping tract of who's turn it is to pray. Our solution was the "prayer tie". Our prayer tie is a pink ponytail that we keep around our wrist. The person who says it at the beginning of the day chooses what order it goes in. The person who has it at the end of the day gets to say it first thing the next day. It has worked pretty well, and is super fun to do!
General Conference;
I love General Conference so much and I'm so thankful for all of the talks and the opportunity I had to be able to watch it! To summarize General Conference, so you don't have to read more than needed, it was full of cinnamon rolls, bingo, M&M's/ junk food, a whip cream game, members, and less-actives. I learned so much and had so many questions answered. I will be studying the talks that we're given for the next 6 months.
Things my companions and I have posted on our Zone Facebook page;
Funny Moment:
Last night we were visiting a less active member and her daughter. Her daughter gave each of us a guinea pig to hold. After about 10 minutes of holding them, one of the guinea pigs pooped on Sister Reynolds! Sister Jensen couldn't stop laughing. She then looked down at her own skirt and realized one of the guinea pigs had pooped on her as well. Later during the lesson, when Sister Jensen felt comfortable holding the guinea pigs again, she noticed that her lap started to warm up and realized a guinea pig was peeing on her. She quickly pushed him off her lap and onto Sister Sansom's lap as it continued to pee.
Last night we were visiting a less active member and her daughter. Her daughter gave each of us a guinea pig to hold. After about 10 minutes of holding them, one of the guinea pigs pooped on Sister Reynolds! Sister Jensen couldn't stop laughing. She then looked down at her own skirt and realized one of the guinea pigs had pooped on her as well. Later during the lesson, when Sister Jensen felt comfortable holding the guinea pigs again, she noticed that her lap started to warm up and realized a guinea pig was peeing on her. She quickly pushed him off her lap and onto Sister Sansom's lap as it continued to pee.
Miracle Moment:
About 4 weeks ago, Sister Reynolds and Sister LeCheminant were street contacting in a park when they ran into a girl painting. She didn't seem too interested, but they offered her a pass-a-long card. She asked for an extra one for a friend she had that "wants to be Mormon." Flash forward to two nights ago, Sister Reynolds, Jensen, and Sansom got a phone call from some OTC Sisters in New Zealand wanting to give us a referral for someone her in Denver named Bryn as well as two of Bryn's friends! The next morning we went to go visit them aaanndd... it turns out that one of Bryn's friends was Ellery! She had given the pass-a-long card to Bryn, who then asked for a Book of Mormon and some missionaries through mormon.org. Bryn and his friends are all interested in learning more about the Gospel.

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