Dear my gorgeous people!!
I HIT 9 MONTHS!!! I lost tract of when my birthday really was, but I know that I hit 9 months!! It's scary to think that I made it through half of my mission, and I only have half of it left to hold on to. I'm so thankful to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There's no place I would rather be than right here at this exact time. Thank you for all of the support many of you have given me. I am so blessed be each and every one of you!! I know that this church is true, that Prophet Russel M. Nelson is our prophet who leads and guides us today, that Joseph Smith restored this church and translated the Book of Mormon, I know that the Book of Mormon is true and the Spirit will witness of it and testify of Jesus Christ every time you open it. I love this gospel with all my heart!
Monday- P-Day is always such a super fun and joyful day!! We went to 16th Street Mall and stopped by all the Colorado stores we could. I felt so weird to be on this crazy and busy street, and not having the main focus of how many people we could talk to. I finally took some pictures of some alleys! I took pictures of some funny ones, and then there's one of my companion and I right outside our apartment.
Tuesday- We had exchanges!!!! Exchanges are the joys of my life!! I stayed in my area, and this wonderful greenie came and joined me. Sister Haderlie is the cutest person ever! I took her to 16th street mall and we did some street contacting. We went to Firestone because our oil was super scarily at 1%. It was at 2% on Friday, and the earliest appointment that we could come in was on Wednesday. While on exchanges, I learned how to drive and figure out how to not go onto one ways the wrong way, I'm a pro driver!
Wednesday- We Went over and taught Ryan. He accepted the date to be baptized on the 4th of August. I tried to make it the 3rd, since baptisms don't have to be on a Saturday, but it worked better to do it on the Saturday. Shawnee wants to be baptized the week after Ryan. Shawnee was taught by the Greens that she needs to come to church a few times before baptism. This last Sunday was her last day that she had working, so from now on, she'll be available to come to church.
Thursday- We had District Meeting and I was asked to give a technology training. I felt super unqualified because these people have had technology longer than I have, but I absolutely love being up front and giving any sort of training! For the Role-play that we did, everyone was just being super goofy with each other over FB Messenger. It's so weird to be using technology for a training, and to text the Elders as if you're teaching them (with your companion just chilling in the background of the chat of course, to make sure nothing bad goes on). I love my District so much!!!
Friday- Weekly Planning! We were able to finish planning for the week, it felt so nice to be organized in that! Went over and saw S, and reviewed with her the Word of Wisdom. There's some medicine that she takes that is from a drug, and so we're going to try and figure out what exactly she is doing and talk with our mission president to see what's allowed. We taught Ryan and Shawnee the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. They received it really well, and their fellow-shippers are just so amazing at helping us teach and explain things!
Saturday- We saw L. She hasn't been acting on any of her commitments, so we will probably be dropping her soon. Nothing too interesting occurred besides trying to work super hard and feeling super exhausted from it! ;)
Sunday- We took Ryan to his Sunday School class and stayed with him. Ryan is super shy, so we helped introduce him to all the 3 YM there are in this ward, there were no YW there. I miss being in a Sunday school class with the teenagers, they're super funny and they know all these random facts. After church we taught Ryan more commandments to prepare him for his baptism!
On Tuesday the Zone leaders had a baptism. Since the ZL's are in my district, I was able to go to that. My companion and I showed up 10 minutes early, and to our surprise, the only people there who weren't part of the baptism where the beautiful people that we teach and invited. Ryan Little Fair, 12 year-old, and his mom, Shawnee Palmer, were taken by the Greens. Also, the Montiels were there too. Nicole, 8 year-old, is now a little less scared to be dunked into the water for her baptism.
PLUS! In my last area, Richard was baptized! Richard (on the right) was baptized by a recent convert (on the left). I'm so thankful and proud of them both!
"I'm a free lady,..."
"*gets in bed, pulls soft blanket over, puts of sweatshirt and it's hood, curls up and cries*"
"I want Sister LeCheminant's milk"
"That moment when your fire alarm goes off, and you just sit in your apartment and ignore it"
"Little did my surprise"
"Sister Sister Reynolds"
"I think the microphone is making him sound like a robot"
"When your companion uses you as a piano"
- I keep getting a ton of compliments on some treble clef earrings, thanks!!
- Every week, my companion and I have to do this thing called a "phone audit". Thanks to all my siblings and friends who would just take my phone, mess with my pictures, and go through some of my messages. Y'all really prepared me for so much!! I love ya!
- While walking for half an hour, save miles!, my companion and I ran into the City Park Golf Course, we have to go back there one day!
- There is a giant poster of Deadpool people on the Greens door, but it's Ryan's.
- There's this one building in Denver with big words on it that say "Scottish"
-Happy Birthday again my beautiful mother!! I love you with all my heart!!
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