Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Sister Sanwo Is The Best. Also, Merry Christmas!" -Sister Sanwo

For starters, Sister Sanwo made me do the subject. I asked her what it should be, and that's what she said. So i made it something different and then she changed it. I love her! She's such a wonderful missionaries!!

Fun Moments;
-At Zone Conference this week we played a game during our lunch time. It was to see how well you know your companion. There was a set of Elders and a set of Sisters representing each zone. It was so much fun!! It went on forever because there kept being ties between these two zones. Long story short, Arvada won because we're the best!! There a bunch of funny and pointless videos I took, email me or my mom for them, super fun!
-We went caroling again with some missionaries in our zone. We did it during the day this time. As we sang, sometimes I left the group of missionaries and took a 14-yr-old recent convert with me and handed out some Light The World cards. No other missionary would do it, so I decided to take the chance to talk to as many people about it as I could!

This week we had Zone Conference. It was super amazing! Some Highlights from it;
-Jesus Christ and Santa are similar in a million+ ways, super cool!
-"God trusts us, He shouldn't need to dramatically shake us to get our attention" Elder David A. Bednar
-"An effective teacher can effect eternity"
-You should write down one prompting you get each day
-It's essential to direct investigators and others to so they're not learning false doctrine about our church from other websites
-President Savage looovveess singing Christmas songs, we sang after ever person spoke
-"The Chariots carry His warriors around" -Elder Reeder (our car guy talking about God's cars in the mission fields)
Christmas rules;
-I can skype my family for 45 minutes
-Not allowed to go tracting/ knocking doors
-The longest we're allowed to stay at a member's house is 2 hours
-We have been asked to go to 4-7 families this day
-We can watch two movies, but they have to be G rated unless our Mission President approves of ti (Elf, Miracle on 34th street, and It's a wonderful Life have all been approved)
-The next two weeks P-Day will be on a Tuesday instead of a Monday

-I met the Barker family this past week. To remember their names, Brother Barker told me to think of Bob Barker.
-Thanks to my sweet Grandma who sent me a package, love my family
-The members we live with gave me some Hawaiian chocolate, sooo greatful!!
-There are times where I really study the scriptures and try to remember where what I learned is located. I owe this amount of effort of studying like this to my dad. Whenever I'm about to stop doing this I always think of something he did. One time someone came over to our house and said "I want to share a scripture, it's in -----" Then right away my dad was like "is it the one about ----" they guy was like "no, it's about..." then my dad interrupted and said it was about something else and he was right. The point of this is that he knew what the scripture was about with just hearing the reference, and when I remember that and how he was able to know it, it pushes me forward to try even harder.


-Sister Reynolds :) :)

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